Creating Your Own Classroom For Mind Machine Entrainment

Your Space, Your Time, Your Potential

If you have a Mindmachine and really wish to use it to unlock your true potential, it is useful to create a place where you find the time to detach from the distractions of the world.  We Spend so much of our life focusing on everything around us, rather than who we really are.

Allowing yourself the time to get reacquainted with your mind and body is one of the most important and best actions you can take for your long and short term wellbeing.  Our minds are built to adapt to moment to moment situations.  In normal situations, we change and replay past events, plan our futures, schedule our time for work, building routines, and creating plans based on past and future events.

For entrainment, this way of thinking is a distraction for now.  To start with, you need to have a place where you can dedicate to your development, not your distractions.

The Importance Of You Creating A Safe Haven

At the moment you are not living to your full potential.  Fortunately, you can do something about it.  This is about investing back in yourself.  When you are more self aware, you can slowly detach from your habitual thinking and become more focused.

This is about rediscovering the real you, creating a time and place where you won’t be disturbed is important, it is your own personal mind laboratory.

 Suggestions To Help You Create Your Space

  • A place you won’t be disturbed, switch of your phones, tablets, tv’s, or anything which can break your concentration
  • Find a comfortable place to lie or sit.  In your sessions you should be motionless for the duration of the entrainment
  • If you choose to use an aroma diffuser (for relaxation or stimulation) make sure you have the right scent for your session
  • Have easy access to any music you may wish to use
  • Try to keep the temperature constant to your preference; different temperatures can influence your sensory awareness and can cause distraction.  This is good in later training if you want to explore how your body and mind changes, when exposed to the heat and cold
  • Keep a journal of experiences and thoughts; it is helpful if you keep a notebook to hand, to write down any events you experience
  • Plan your session, what do you aim to achieve?, i.e.:
  1. Body relaxation
  2. Mental relaxation
  3. Breathing techniques
  4. Body awareness
  5. Mental awareness
  6. Body stimulation
  7. Mental stimulation

There are numerous different sessions that can be achieved with the mind machine, dependant on your specific needs.  These are more advanced and can be developed once you become more proficient with using the mind machine.


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